Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence POWERED BY MSCI

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The power of Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence

You’re always thinking of how to help your clients get ahead. With Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, you can rest assured you’re getting insight into Fidelity’s network, research and tools.

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Cam Chamberlain: Hello, thank you for joining us. My name's Cam Chamberlain, Director, Portfolio Solutions here at Fidelity Canada. My group really is responsible for conducting portfolio consultations with advisors coast to coast as an extension of the service that our Fidelity sales team offers. Joining me today is Paul Aulicino, one of our portfolio strategists on the team. Paul, thank you so much for being here.

Paul Aulicino: Thanks for having me, Cam.

Cam Chamberlain: Maybe we could start by sharing a little bit more about what you do day-to-day and how you partner with advisors.

Paul Aulicino: For sure. Really, as you alluded to on a regular basis we're providing advisors with one-on-one consultation. That's myself and other strategists coast to coast. Really our goal is to provide, I'd say, an added level of analytics and a deeper dive to look under the hood of advisors' portfolios. These portfolios can range from individual client portfolios or even prospective client accounts. But what I'd say what we're noticing in the industry more commonly now is full model review suites.

We will deep dive into an entire suite of models and analyze them with advisors and our main goal through these discussions is just to understand what their expectations are and determine if the way their portfolios are set up are meeting or exceeding those expectations. We do this through an in-house platform that we developed in partnership with MSCI and that's called Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence. That's really the engine that drives a lot of these conversations.

Cam Chamberlain: Could you tell us a little bit more about what Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence is all about and how it works?

Paul Aulicino: The team and the program itself has grown over the past four or five years when we launched it. Really, Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, simply put, is a risk analytics and portfolio construction platform. We partnered with MSCI because we felt that they provided, I'd say, an added level of analysis that you couldn't really get in other data analytics platforms out there. There's a number in the market but I'd say they haven't adapted to the changing times as well as, in our opinion, they should have. 

Cam Chamberlain: We use MSCI for a whole host of different services across the organization, right?

Paul Aulicino: Yeah. One of the unique features about this platform is that our own portfolio managers here at Fidelity around the globe are actually leveraging MSCI's Barra platform and that may not sound like too much but that's a very sophisticated risk platform that our portfolio managers are actually using to analyze their funds on a regular basis. Prior to joining this team I worked with a number of our US equity portfolio managers and regularly we receive this reporting from MSCI and it digs deep into portfolios. It'll break down where your risk is coming from.

So a lot of the time when we'd have these conversations with the managers it's determining if there's any unintended risks or biases so that we could address that right away. We wanted to provide that same level of service to advisors. Over the past four or five years we've had thousands of interactions with advisors and reviewed thousands of portfolios all through this platform and these types of conversations. 

Cam Chamberlain: I think there are many things that make this platform and tool unique. One of my favourites is that it's a little bit more forward-looking in nature in the way that it breaks down portfolios than just looking at the past.

Could you maybe talk a little bit about how it compares and contrasts to other commonly used portfolio analytics platforms?

Paul Aulicino: I think it's a great point. The very unique feature about the platform itself but also the conversations that we're having with advisors is, as you said, that focus on the future. It's obviously important to look at past performance, positioning, historical risk. We'll show that all in the reporting that we generate as well. What we try to focus a lot of these conversations on are forward-looking risk expectations. And through these conversations we try to gauge where that forward looking risk is coming from and to determine if that's in line with what you're expecting or if there are any surprises.

I'd say there's been times where we've found gaps or unintended biases and that's where we try to focus the conversation on what changes may be required to achieve whatever your goal may be. 

Cam Chamberlain: I think it's so helpful to take a little bit more of a forward-looking view because it's easy to build a portfolio in hindsight. Pick your top performers, you can look at historical performance, risk data and say, I'm all set. The challenge, of course, is that the market environment next week, next month, next year, or the next five or ten years can be a lot different than the environment that we've just been through. By taking a more forward-looking approach, you get a better understanding of the kind of "what if" scenarios. If the market environment is a lot different than what we've been through in the past, you need to think about how our portfolios might need to adapt or evolve in order to meet those new challenges.

So, really, really valuable insights I think, again going through those "what if" scenarios and asking yourself those tough questions. 

Paul Aulicino: I think just to that point, some of the areas we focus on are determining things like your currency exposure, your regional tilts, your style factor tilts, which those would be your value tilt, growth, momentum, dividend yield, for example. We try to see on the fixed income side what your exposure is to credit spreads or interest rates or even inflation.

We put all that together to determine if all of the areas where you have that exposure and you may be adding or reducing some risk contribution are in line with what you were expecting. If they're not that's where we could change the conversation to what needs to be done. You brought up a great point, this "what if" analysis. A large feature of these reviews is revolving around stress testing. You have the ability, similar to the way our portfolio managers leverage this, to stress test your portfolios. There's two ways we look at things, either historical market events, so think about the classic dot com bubble, global financial crisis but what I'd say is more important, the way our portfolio managers definitely leverage this, I'd say quite often would be hypothetical scenarios.

Think about things like if the US or Canadian equity markets were to rise or fall by 20%, if interest rates in Canada or the US were to rise or fall by 1%, how do we expect your portfolio, as its position today, to react to an environment or "what if" scenario like that? I'd say that's one of the largest added values we've had and we've received in terms of feedback from the advisor audience that we've worked with over the years. 

Cam Chamberlain: It sounds like there's a lot there, a lot that our clients can take advantage of, get a better understanding, really, of the portfolios and model portfolios that they're implementing in their business today or perhaps working on building out as well. Could you just chat with the audience a little bit about how to engage with this platform and our team? 

Paul Aulicino:Yeah, definitely. I'd say for any advisor who's interested in going through one of these more, I'd say, in- depth reviews with one of us, reach out to your Fidelity sales team, let them know, provide them with, if it's a model suite that you'd like analyzed or even an individual portfolio, provide them that information and they'd be able to book some time with myself or one of my colleagues coast to coast. I'd say we understand that portfolio construction is a vital part of advisors' day-to-day jobs.

Here at Fidelity we really wanted to upgrade, I'd say, the quality of conversation and analysis that we could provide to you and you can ultimately provide to your clients at the end of the day.

Cam Chamberlain: Thank you so much, Paul. I think it's fantastic to have a tool like Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, a dedicated team to act as a portfolio consultant for you that really, again, can make sure that your portfolios live up to your expectations.

I'll maybe just add, it doesn't matter if it's all Fidelity product. This is really an open architecture platform so if there are product from other asset managers, individual securities, individual stocks, of course, that you're working into portfolios, we can incorporate all of that into these reviews as well.

Again, if you're interested in learning more about Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, having a consultation with one of our portfolio strategists coast to coast, please reach out to your Fidelity sales team, let them know and send them a portfolio so we can really make sure that your portfolios and your models are living up to your expectations. Thank you very much for joining us today.

Only with Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence

Now more than ever, it's essential to align portfolios to clients' goals.

Using Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, Fidelity can provide you with comprehensive analysis of what your clients own and unlock new opportunities using data-driven insights.

Read the video transcript

Cameron Chamberlain: Hello, and thank you for joining us. I’m excited to speak to you about Fidelty Portfolio Intelligence, a next generation portfolio construction and investment analytics platform brought to you by Fidelity. At its core Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence, or FPI for short, can help you optimize portfolios so that you and your clients can stay ahead. Whether you’re analysing a model portfolio, a current or prospective investor’s portfolio or even your entire book of business, Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence can provide insight that you may have never seen before. We partnered with MSCI, a world leader in portfolio risk and analysis, to build Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence to help meet your specific needs.

So what makes it so powerful? Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence uses the analytical power of MSCI Barra, MSCI’s sophisticated portfolio-risk platform that our portfolio managers around the globe use to gain insight into the funds they manage. By partnering with MSCI, Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence empowers you to analyse portfolios similar to how our portfolio managers would.

There are many portfolio construction tools out there, so what makes ours different? Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence has a few distinct features that can add value to your business and help you optimize portfolios while it allows you to analyze historical performance, risk and positioning, like many other portfolio construction tools. What makes it stand out is its ability to look towards the future instead of focusing on the past. Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence gives you access to advanced risk analytics, factor analysis and stress testing that can help ensure your portfolios meet your expectations. While it can be helpful to look at historical risk and returns when building portfolios, Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence may uncover hidden risks in a portfolio by using advanced risk analytics based on predicted risk. You, just like our portfolio managers and analysts, always have a keen eye on the future and want to avoid being caught off-guard.

Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence can help you set expectations for portfolios and find areas where your current expectations may not be met. Factor analysis is one area where you might be surprised by how a portfolio’s positioning may differ from your expectations. While factor investing has grown in popularity and sophistication in recent years, many portfolio construction tools have not kept up. You may invest in different funds because of their value or growth characteristics, but when you combine those funds in a diversified portfolio, how can you be sure that the portfolio has a bias to one factor or another? You may want your portfolios to have different factor biases during different times in the business cycle. The value and yield factors have historically outperformed early in the business cycle, whereas low volatility can help smooth the ride in more volatile markets.

Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence can help paint a clearer picture of how your portfolio is positioned from a factor perspective so that you have a better idea of what to expect from the portfolio in different market environments. As you look towards the future and set expectations for your portfolios, Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence can help you by stress-testing portfolios for you. Many of our portfolio managers, especially our fixed-income managers, stress test the funds they manage whenever they’re considering making a positioning change. Stress testing their funds for changes in interest rates or rises and falls in equity markets helps them make sure their funds are staying true to their mandate. Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence gives you this same opportunity to stress test your portfolios in hypothetical environments like those I just mentioned, or in past market events like the European debt crisis or global financial crisis to help ensure that your portfolios behave as you expect them to. You can leverage the power of Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence to help optimize your portfolios using advanced risk analytics, factor analysis and stress-testing capabilities.

At Fidelity we’re always thinking of ways to bring you the best and brightest from our portfolio managers and funds to state-of-the art tools, like Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence. We want you and your clients to stay ahead with the help of our funds and our tools. I’d love for you to see what Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence can uncover in your portfolios to help make them better. Just reach out to your Fidelity sales team, and they’ll help you get started with putting the power of Fidelity Portfolio Intelligence to work for you. Enjoy the rest of the day.

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