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Combine the flexibility of an ETF with the expertise of active portfolio managers and Fidelity’s global network of investment professionals. With Fidelity Active ETFs, you can access a variety of investment strategies as an ETF or within a mutual fund ETF series* to help meet your investment goals.
Professionally managed portfolios with the potential to achieve higher returns than passive strategies.
Diversify your portfolio and combine our team of experienced fixed income portfolio managers and our global network of investment professionals.
Combine equity and fixed income assets for diversification, optimizing long-term returns while potentially maintaining stability through lower volatility fixed income.
Investors can think of liquid alternatives as a third asset class to complement their existing portfolio because alternatives can provide diversification beyond traditional asset classes.
is to respond to changing market conditions and actively identify opportunities that are not part of passive strategies.
Markets don’t move in a straight line. Is your portfolio built as if they do?
Relying on passive investments that attempt to mirror a benchmark could mean accepting the market’s performance as is, without any active efforts to improve it.
If you want to break from the crowd, and potentially achieve higher returns than the market, consider incorporating active strategies within your portfolio.
Fidelity’s growing suite of active ETFs combine an ETF structure with active management.
Get a flexible investment structure and access to actively managed strategies from experienced investment professionals who are informed by Fidelity’s research network.
The goal of active strategies is to respond to changing market conditions and identify opportunities that are not part of passive strategies.
Whether you’re looking for equities or fixed income options, Fidelity Active ETFs may help you achieve your long-term investment goals and stay diversified.
You have a choice.
Build your portfolio by only using passive investing strategies.
Or consider diversifying your portfolio with active investments.
Chart a new path for your portfolio.
Learn more about Fidelity’s Active ETFs today.
An ETF is an investment fund that is traded on a stock exchange like individual stocks. ETF series is a class of securities offered by a conventional mutual fund that is distributed pursuant to a simplified prospectus and ETF Facts. However, unlike traditional mutual fund series, the ETF series are listed on a stock exchange like an ETF. Traditional mutual funds series are bought and sold through registered dealers. The ETF series may generally only be subscribed for or purchased directly from the mutual fund by authorized dealers or designated brokers. Investors will be able to buy or sell ETF series on a stock exchange or marketplace through registered brokers and dealers in the province or territory where the investor resides.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses may be associated with investments in mutual funds and ETFs. Please read the mutual fund’s or ETF’s prospectus, which contains detailed investment information, before investing. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed. Their values change frequently, and investors may experience a gain or a loss. Past performance may not be repeated.
The statements contained herein are based on information believed to be reliable and are provided for information purposes only. Where such information is based in whole or in part on information provided by third parties, we cannot guarantee that it is accurate, complete or current at all times. It does not provide investment, tax or legal advice, and is not an offer or solicitation to buy. Graphs and charts are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or returns on investment of any fund or portfolio. Particular investment strategies should be evaluated according to an investor’s investment objectives and tolerance for risk. Fidelity Investments Canada ULC and its affiliates and related entities are not liable for any errors or omissions in the information or for any loss or damage suffered.
© 2023 Fidelity Investments Canada ULC. All rights reserved. Fidelity Investments is a registered trademark of Fidelity Investments Canada ULC.
Fidelity is committed to offering a wide range of investment funds to help our clients achieve their financial goals. We believe that strong research can help drive the long-term performance that our clients demand. Through our global investment network, we believe we have a competitive edge and the intelligent insights needed to create investment opportunities for Canadian investors.